Hi, I’m Aurelia.

I love that you took the time to come and check out my blog!!! Thanks so much truly.

I’m one of those people who knew would always do this; I really thought about going into it as a mommy blogger, but as much as I love being a mom to my child, I didn’t want to put a spotlight on him, even though I plan to do this from a faceless angle. During the COVID Pandemic, I thought about doing relationships, especially with the emergence of that Kevin Samuels and the podcast bros, but then I figured any extra time I had shouldn’t be used arguing about anyone’s relationship especially if I wasn’t in one. Then I went all in on my business and pushed blogging to the side……..

On January 6, 2023, I decided to leave the “safety” of my state provided job to join the ranks of entrepreneurship like many others. I had successfully upkept my business for a couple of years, what could go wrong??? Shortly before the end of that same month and year, I realized a Spiritual Awakening was coming. How did I know??? EVERYTHING went to shit immediately after!!!

“Leaving the Matrix” is the idea of leaving behind everything you were taught and everyone who tries to stop you from breaking cycles—like the movie The Truman Show, he left the security of the “show” and ventured out into the real world. Well I have decided to “Escape into my world” now, I have tried long and hard enough to play the game the way other people have wanted me to, not really just me.

I tried to proceed with business as usual, but my soul had other plans which included ripping everything and everyone from me…..I was leaving the matrix…….What I didn’t understand was why if I was aware of this, was my business now failing???? I did all the things I were taught and more, and I barely got by then, until I could no longer get by with my business, began to work an array of odd jobs, ended up losing my rental home, had to give away two of my dogs, my whole world was ending…….

That is exactly what I wanted, except I didn’t know that a year ago. If I’m being honest, I finally jacked myself up by my braids and decided at the end of the year, I have to follow my actual dream. It took over a year of me finally understanding different aspects of this spiritual journey of mine. I have and still am learning to go into flow, but I’m a whole new person when it comes to what I will take and deal with from anyone—- I love that and it’s the best new thing about me. I’m learning to give myself more credit so I will also add, people that come from where I come from never tend to follow this path and I am so very grateful I am the type of person that will never truly resonate with something or someone my heart can never fully trust.

This blog is about me finally leaving the last piece of this matrix I was a part of, the birth portal I came out of. I currently stay with her because, of course who is brave yet foolish to believe they could still use me like her……But the good thing I know is that once I’m getting paid for my dreams, I will definitely never ever see her again and the joy I have in my heart for that moment is what keeps me going….. Also, this lady has played with my money for years, it’s time to end all of these money blocks.

My Approach

I’m a reader, writer by heart so it is the best way to express myself for now. I have big dreams that I have really only told one person…..I learned early on as my parent was my first bully, to keep my mouth closed about the things my heart truly wanted. But the thing about a STAR is that they will keep shining even among the squalor.

It is time for me to leave the past and shift into this period where we are being made to feel and heal those traumas of the past. I have learned more than anything what I think are other people making things harder for me, is actually me standing in the way of me. I have a choice everyday to ignore the foolishness that comes my way or give in to it…..

I want to ultimately show we are manifestations of our daily choices, a task I am still learning but know will lead me and others to our greatness.

Building Me

I’m taking it day by day, literally. Time is my biggest asset right now, so I make sure my conversations are limited with ppl who don’t support me and focus on the things and resources I need to accomplish my dreams. Since I am not in my own place right now, headphones are a much better alternative to airpods/earbuds. I listen to a lot of frequency music and “The Sacred Light” on YouTube which has become sweet sense of support.

My Dream……

So right now I am playing with Tik-Tok to get me, my craft out there. I intend on keeping my dream even seperate from this page for now but it was something I dreamed of being since I was a little girl!!! The birth portal and sperm attempted to control so many aspects of my life just to throw me off track. But with the reimergence of Tik-Tok, I’m having fun and the likes came so much quicker than my last stiff attempts at being a content creator. So what I’m basically saying, do it because you want to, not because it will make you money…….