You Know how you fight fire with fire?

You use the enemies tools against them, but in the right way best of your ability!!!.

So, the heifer who tried to make claim over me, my talent, spiritual awakening, considered herself a witch I guess or maybe some type of priestess. She tried to be smart in the sense way that she explained as little to me thinking I wouldn’t understand due to our cultural barrier. I totally understood. What she didn’t know is, part of my gift at that time with most people was to let them talk while I looked at all the things they didn’t say. They way we met, she was fighting over a guy that one of my other so called friends was messing with too. She befriended me to tell me all the bad things the guy would do in hopes of me telling my so called friend and she leave the guy, but the thing about women who dont know their worth, guys love to play with so he yo-yo’ed between the two of them for a couple of months. In that time, I had felt like a pawn and I refused to transfer any more messages about the guy to my so called friend who was just as desperate to hold on to him. What I noticed with the heifer who tried to claim me, copy cat me, whatever, she would be burning candles, when I further examined her place (this was like in 2007) I saw she had lots of little things like she frequented the metaphysical shops. I asked her about it and she waived it off as just a way for her to bring good energy and money, things like that, but even then I knew she was trying her hand at the heavier stuff, just in her response to me on some of the items. Nonetheless, I maintained this weird relationship with her until I came into my Awakening. That heifer started showing up in my dreams giving me ultimatums, I was fighting shadow people, the ringing wouldn’t stop…….She would show up in my dreams telling me my only option was to serve her to have a chance at a good life, nobody in my life would help me becasue they hadn’t help me. She told me how the wrong she did in my life was to help me see who I really was and she planned on telling me about myself the more I stepped into Spirituality. I wasn’t scared but I did stay in the house during that period, It was like she was looking at me through different people or something. Mind you this was only my dreams, I cut her off after my second reading with her, it was too much. I begin to explore all angles of tarot and I saw that whatever she was trying to do was an attempt at scaring me because I was unfamiliar and associated a lot of the esoteric with caution. What I learned allowed me to see it was only my fears of the subject, I saw how she held no power over me, I saw how it was my world and I could create and do whatever I wanted. I was so glad I wasn’t with anyone at that time. I needed that time to sort out everything in my life. I saw my family’s role, my ex family role, everybody’s hand in keeping me in line……It was Easter 2023 and I only had my friend David to get me through it. It was such weird period that lasted about a week. But, I got through it and I just think of how over the years she said so many things in a tone that was intended to bring fear into me…..I hate when people do that. I guess I kept her in my life until it was time to let her go, but I knew what her intentions was too, shortly after meeting her, but was a so called friend to her for 16 years. She encouraged me in ways that birth portal was suppose to, but she took advantage of me financially, like she did too. I get huffy about it sometimes, but I go back to giving myself credit for finally stopping it with outside people, it’s just finally time to end the attachment with the birth portal……… I will no longer allow anyone to take advantage of me under the guise of helping me when they are really trying to manifest off of me… know, that’s how those narcs and other toxic family members get or have what they have. You notice how things come undone when you are out their life? I got to start looking for scriptures to fight and end this birth portal once and for all. That’s how I’m going to fight this fire.


The “AHA” Moments


This Masqurade….