A little vent…

I am learning to move slow when interacting with illusions and think of how I could make better choices to prevent the drama……

But you know the illusions live for drama. I had a conversation over $$$ of course with the birth portal, the details of the conversation aren’t even worth talking about, this time I didn’t argue with her and only told her I would do what I can…..I mean she is close to not existing to me anyways….if this bitch takes the time to talk to me on pay day, she’s not anyone worth her skin…but today she threw me one and asked if I had a dug problem. I laughed because I realized that was the connection she was trying to make when she started in on me and oils. I told her if I had a drug problem it would make sense, but she laid next to a drug problem, had kids with it, she knows how that looks. I really did everything to keep it light and pass the moment, but there’s is that part of me that want to rip the band-aid off and go straight off on her. I’m proud of myself because this is the first time I didn’t let her overly upset me, but I also know I have to move in due time. I have forced my way out of her place in the past and let’s just say, thank God I didn’t have a kid at the time. This time, I am willing to sit and wait, be patient, quiet my mind, she can’t do nothing to me that I wont allow. Sometimes, moments like this, I wish I had another elder that was worth a dam in my family, but I guess this cracker jack box of a family that I came into is giving me the lessons I need to learn how to deal with life when I’m no longer near ‘em. It’s always, really just a pull to see what it is I’m doing and that heifer can do that via requesting $$$ out of me. I really am learning to take it in stride—-seriously, I really can’t complain about it. That lady has always showed me she only cared about $$, all I can do is deflect and wait until it is my time to never have to deal with her, I just have to make sure this time, my foundation is built right which is what I’m doing now. I can’t wait for the day I will never see this lady again, I smile, I’m warmed in my heart briefly, Universe, I am ready to leap!


Being Thankful


Romantic Love is a trick….